
Glenora Farm
Address: 4766 Waters Rd. Duncan, BC, V9L 6S9
Phone: 250-715-1559
About Us
Glenora Farm is a 100 acre residential care facility for adults with special needs located on a beautiful mixed farm just outside of Duncan, BC. It is part of an international network of Camphill Communities. Adults with special needs (companions) and their caregivers (coworkers) live, work, play and celebrate alongside each other all year long. In addition to growing healthy, fresh produce, one purpose of the garden at Glenora Farm is to provide meaningful work for companions. All the crops are grown with the help of companions who contribute as they are able and who take great joy and pride is growing and selling their products to the wider community. Each purchase you make from Glenora Farm does not just buy you delicious vegetables. You are also supporting the Glenora Farm's programming as all proceeds are fed directly back into the organization.
Camphill Communities are based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner, who is also the founder of Biodynamic Agriculture, which forms the basis of our growing practices. We also closely adhere to the most up-to-date (and ancient!) natural, regenerative, agro-ecological practices that focus on building and maintaining soil health and biodiversity, and reducing fossil fuel consumption. We are intimately familiar with, understand and apply the Canadian Organic Standard in all aspects of our operation, though we are not certified organic.