
South Island Saskatoons
Contact: Monty & Sharon Vanhouwe and Dan Teichrob
Address: 1245 Fisher Rd Cobble Hill, BC, V0R1L4
Phone: 250-743-9464
About Us
South Island Saskatoons is a 7 acre Saskatoon berry orchard located on 13 acres in Cobble Hill. I think it is probably the largest dedicated Saskatoon berry farm in BC! We figure we have 7200 trees in all!
We use a granular fertilizer and a fungicide because it is so wet here! Nothing is ever sprayed on the trees after the berries have formed. We harvest the Saskatoon berries using a high bush cranberry harvester. It shakes the berries off the trees onto a conveyer belt which moves the berries into flats. We transfer those flats as soon as possible into a chiller for 24 hours, then, the berries are sorted and packaged for sale, or further production.