
hOMe Grown Living Foods
Contact: Kari Mathieson
Address: 171 Sunnyside Drive Saltspring Island, BC, V8K1W1
Phone: 250-653-9650
About Us
hOMe Grown Living Foods was founded in 2008 with a passion to provide nutrient dense Sprouted, Keto Friendly, Plant Based, Gluten & Grain Free Snacks to fuel an active lifestyle. Based in the Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island, we make all our products by hand in small batches. Staying immersed in nature allows our Inspirations to flow into the finished product. We hope you can taste Love and Gratitude in every bite.
Keep the Vibe Alive ~ This is our Mantra and we honour the integrity of whole food nourishment with minimal processing. Our nuts and seeds are soaked to release digestive inhibitors, making multiple times more nutrients bio available to your body. Dehydration at low temperatures completes our processing to maximize Flavour, Enzymes and Life Force!
We are a team of health conscious, active, nature loving souls that believe food should provide energy, not deplete it. What we eat is not as important as what our bodies assimilate. With these principles in mind, we set out to create a snack line that not only tastes great, but contains health giving ingredients in the most digestible form possible.
Keep the Vibe Alive ~ This is our Mantra and we honour the integrity of whole food nourishment with minimal processing. Our nuts and seeds are soaked to release digestive inhibitors, making multiple times more nutrients bio available to your body. Dehydration at low temperatures completes our processing to maximize Flavour, Enzymes and Life Force!
We are a team of health conscious, active, nature loving souls that believe food should provide energy, not deplete it. What we eat is not as important as what our bodies assimilate. With these principles in mind, we set out to create a snack line that not only tastes great, but contains health giving ingredients in the most digestible form possible.
Our Mission
~ To source only the highest quality Local and Organic ingredients sustainably cultivated and grown as close to hOMe as possible.
~ To offer the best tasting, nutrient dense snacks made without refined sugar, encouraging stable blood sugar.
~ To source only the highest quality Local and Organic ingredients sustainably cultivated and grown as close to hOMe as possible.
~ To offer the best tasting, nutrient dense snacks made without refined sugar, encouraging stable blood sugar.