
Froggy Acres Farm
Address: 3215 Doupe Rd Duncan, BC, V9L 6P1
Phone: 250-748-3215
About Us
Froggy Acres Farm is tucked away in the hollow of Glenora Valley. Ancient maples and cedars hang over the cleared land that hug the meandering currents of the Glenora and Tatum Creeks. We have a fenced acre of high density growing area where we produce your usual market garden suspects. Greens, beans, carrots, beets, and berries fill up the rows in the summer. In the winter we keep busy tapping the hundreds of maple trees in the valley. The terroir of the valley and the small batch process of sap evaporation offer a wide variety of robust flavours in each batch. The syrup is very often dark, smokey, full of flavour and never the same.
We grow organically, (though are not certified) using companion planting and very hands-on attention to our plants to keep them healthy. We enhance the soil with compost, EM and manure.